To find out what our audience were mostly interested in we completed a questionnaire where we asked 25 girls and 25 boys to fill in a survey with the following questions.: We decided that our target audience for our teaser trailer is going to be 15 to 22 as we are within this age range we think that people will want to watch it as we would if it was ourselves. When analysing thriller posters it has become clear that this is a common convention in thriller posters, so we will probably keep to this convention whilst making our poster. This suggests it has something to do with their home, possibly drowning and the man involved. A man, a swimming pool and a picture of the couple. The house is the main focus but underneath are three pictures that are faded. It also unlike most posters, doesnt have any clue about its release time. It doesnt have a big picture of a person or character in the film but a house, which tells us that this is the main focus. This poster adverstising the thriller "Jollenbach" is a very interesting poster. However we want our character to be centre of the poster as we feel it will attract people more. This poster gave us a few ideas for our poster regarding font and captions. This makes you want to keep looking out for the film as you are not sure exactly when it is out. Underneath there is credits and then comming soon. Underneath it has the title the word "the" is smaller than "uninvited" which makes it stand out, there is a caption underneath that says "fear moves in" this is a very short simple catchy line that gives you some idea of the narrative without it being given away to much. At the top right it explains about what films the producer has produced before, this is to advertise the new film. On the left it has writing in a thriller font which is white.

The frosty window and tree effect we thought worked really well with the colour scheme. The poster we looked at next was "The Uninvited" we liked the fact that this poster was landscape but still want to make our poster portrait, we liked the dark background and the picture on the right being lighter in colour. This poster is very eye catching, but leaves you still with a sense of mysteriousness. Underneath that is a small date that says "JULY 24" this is when the film is out. Underneath that it says "CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET" it is in capitals but is much smaller than the title and is in red, again symbolising danger.

The title of the film "Orphan" is again in white but looks like it has been written by a child, which gives the idea of the narrative as she is obviously an child orphan. She has a red scarf around her neck which could symbolise danger or death. There is white capital writing at the stop that says "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ESTHER." this is quite an interesting statement and you gather from the picture that their is something wrong with her. The background is dark green with a white shadow around her image, this makes the image stand out more. She has a very scary serious face and her eyes look like they are watching you. This Poster is in portrait and is very eye catching as it had a very enlarged medium close up of the girl. The first one we looked at was a film called Orphan : As our specific genre is thriller, we have researched some thriller film posters and picked out what we like and don't like and this is helping us for ideas for our film poster. The film posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information and advertise the film so people will go and see it. When we have been researching film posters it has become clear that they mainly include an image of the main film character, a bold title, and the details of when the film is released.